Thursday, December 29, 2016

Bowie sings to Love in Tokyo 1990

Image result for bowie live tokyo 1990

 David shape-shifting
From one age to another.
See the boy,
See the man.
David singing to his Lady.
He knows that She is coming.


 real love magic

2:45  "fuck them!"

Monday, December 26, 2016

david bowie it smells so good in here

Image result for david bowie dressing

david by andrew kent

You walk into a room, and you're like, “Something's different. I'm in a different dimension. It smells so good in here!” [And then you realize] “Oh, David Bowie's here.”

It smelled like if an ancient pine forest had a massive forest fire -- but like, a month ago. So you get the new growth of the grass and the moisture, but still there's an undercurrent of pain. But also of smoke, so kind of like marshmallows...? It's powerful.

will butler
arcade fire

Image result for will butler arcade fire


Monday, December 5, 2016

Heathen (The Rays) David Bowie

Baby, I dream between the blade and the tongue
Of the rose on your cheek the wounded and dumb
We stumble and fall we stumble and fall
Skin on skin but there's heaven in
Heaven's in here
Heaven's in here
Among the twilight and stars
Like a rocket to Mars
Heaven in here
The first and the last are telling it all
Telling you loud but selling it small
I'm taking a swing at this shadow of mine
Crucifix hangs and my heart's in my mouth but it's here
Heaven's in here
Heaven's in here
Among the twilight and stars
Like a rocket to Mars
Heaven in here
Heaven in one sigh, heaven in two eyes
Heaven lies between your marbled thighs
The rustle of your falling gown
We stumble and fall like tragedy falls
We stumble and twirl there's heaven in here
We stumble and fall uncertain we fall
Flesh on flesh but there's heaven in
Heaven's in here
Heaven's in here
Heaven's in here
Among the twilight and stars
Like a rocket to Mars
Heaven in here
You'll dance to my tongue
We'll dance on the sun
We're the twilight and stars
There's heaven in here

Monday, November 14, 2016

David Bowie - After All.(Remixed)

2001: A Space Odyssey 

live your rebirth and do what you will

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

cobain bowie

db69Related image
db69Related image

David BowieSpin, April 1995
"I was simply blown away when I found out that Kurt Cobain liked my work, and I always wanted to talk to him about his reasons for covering 'Man Who Sold The World.' It was a good straightforward rendition and sounded somehow very honest. It would have been nice to have worked with him, but just talking would have been real cool."

Bowie Cobain


Related image

George Underwood and David Bowie

He's an emotional, passionate person who put everything into the music. I've seen him in the studio burst out crying after finishing a song – Life On Mars springs to mind. After some gigs, he'd say, "The audience were a bit quiet." I'd say, "David, they're staring at you with their mouths open."

George Underwood in The Guardian
remembering David Bowie.

Image result for david bowie and george underwood

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

We Are The Dead

Upper body of a man in a soldier's uniform. He has short dark hair parted in the middle and maintains a neutral expression.

We Are The Dead
aa eeee dd h r t w )

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row, 
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, 
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

 Image result for bowie merry christmas mr lawrence

And the streets are full of press men
Bent on getting hung and buried
And the legendary curtains are drawn 'round Baby Bankrupt
Who sucks you while you're sleeping
It's the theater of financiers
Count them, fifty 'round a table
White and dressed to kill

Oh caress yourself, my juicy
For my hands have all but withered
Oh dress yourself my urchin one, for I hear them on the stairs
Because of all we've seen, because of all we've said

We are the dead
We are the dead
We are the dead

Image result for bowie merry christmas mr lawrenceUpper body of a man in a soldier's uniform. He has short dark hair parted in the middle and maintains a neutral expression.

    David Bowie                      John McCrae     

David Bowie - Berklee Commencement Address

Can you put haggis and snails on the same plate? ...well, no.

Monday, October 3, 2016

CRAZY FROG - Last Christmas ( HD ) - ( Funny Cristmas ) BEDREAG ALIN

charming Crazy Frog for you
say ding ding!

David Bowie Karmic Astrology by Tom Jacobs

Sunday, January 8th, 2012 | AstrologyBooksKarmaLeoPlutoSagittariusUncategorizedUranusyod

It’s a birthday profile – January 8 1947, 9:15 AM, Brixton England (rated AA).
David Bowie has his South Node (SN) in Sagittarius in the 10th house, conjunct Juno in the same sign and house. It’s also conjunct Venus in Sagittarius in the 9th.
Conjunct the North Node (NN) is retrograde Uranus in Gemini/4th. The SN ruler Jupiter is in Scorpio/9th, sextile Sun-Mars, square retro Pluto in Leo/7th, and inconjunct that Uranus. Uranus is actually the finger of a yod, too.
The SN in the 10th suggests that in his various lives, he’s defined by what he does for a living, or who he is in the world/outside the home. But his work is very Uranian, reflecting that he’s in touch with his inner Uranus and lets it inform his work. In the karmic past, he hasn’t gotten to really learn about and how to “do” Uranus, hence its conjunction to the NN – the SN is where we come from; anything opposite it is opposite where we are. But we know it’s part of us, so we can be determined to experience/express that part of ourselves, or feel we don’t get to/won’t be allowed to/don’t deserve to.
In any of us, we can do what’s symbolized by our South Nodes and be successful. The SN is a part of life or way of living that we have a lot of experience with and can do very well. The NN, on the other hand, is new territory. The ideal is that we explore and grow into our North Node and then let it inform what we give from our South Node.
Bowie has done this to great effect. He opened the door to his Uranian inner self and brought him/them out on stage in many forms over many years. He’s explored the effects of actually getting to know and bringing into the public sphere what makes him unique that, if he looks inside himself, is what he finds staring back at him. It’s making peace with who he is on the inside, after not having the freedom to explore it in various lives. It would be easy for Bowie to be successful at something without this inner knowing, yet he wouldn’t feel authentic.
Uranus as the finger of a yod puts a tremendous amount of pressure on it. Yods are called Fingers of God because it feels like God is pointing at you to do something. His charge is to know himself, truly and deeply. Bowie will have when young felt an urgency about setting himself apart, even if unclear about what in fact would set him apart. Trial and error was called for, and I’ll bet that his early recordings reveal a more conventional composer and singer than we see in the 1970s, when his originality had such a great effect on many other musicians. Uranus is retrograde, so the call to trial and error in self-knowledge is underscored – others’ ways of knowing the self and setting themselves apart just won’t work for him.
SN ruler in Scorpio/9th says that in his various lives, he shows up as someone intense who has a strong belief system. The inconjunct to Uranus in the 4th is about receiving extremely difficult energy he didn’t know what to do with/how to handle from Uranian sources at home. The criticism Gemini has for Scorpio is to stop asking hard questions, stop digging below the surface looking for seamy underbellies and hidden truths; just be here now. Bowie shows up as serious, intense, interested in taboos including sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and gets some serious guff from 4th house folks who live more on the surface of things and prefer convention.
The square of the SN ruler to Pluto in Leo/7th says two things. First, that in various lives he’s pressured by Leonine others not to Scorpio, or not to believe what believes. Second, that his karmic wounding, the deep wounding of the soul that he carries from life to life, involves risking (Jupiter) in the arena of belief (9th).
The karmic wounding at root is about fairness, equality and justice (7th). In Leo, he’s learning how to express himself. Leo and the 7th says that learning to balance expression within relationship is big on the soul’s agenda in his various lives. How much to give, how much to expect to receive, and how to show up in relationship as someone who’ll accept equality and only equality are major issues for his learning. The Uranus in the 4th says that inner knowledge and communicating it are important, yet this Pluto on the Leo Descendant says that he needs someone else, some specific other, to hear him. Pluto is conjunct Moon and Saturn in Leo/6th, so add to this lots of stuff about family, responsibility, duty, and what he learned from his role models (and what in there needs to be grown beyond) to get a feel for his major growth and healing in this life.
If you like this style of analysis, check out The Soul’s Journey I: Astrology, Reincarnation, and Karma with a Medium and Channel (use the discount code PG9Y82E2 at checkout to get 20% off. It’s also available via Amazon and Kindle).
Tom Jacobs is an astrologer, medium and channel in Tucson, AZ. Contact him via his website,, to get your Soul’s Journey Soundbite reading